Saturday, December 31, 2016

Why Do People Believe in God?

For a mind of the Western World it is about staying alive.

Without God there is no meaning, nor order, no usefulness of staying alive for anything for most people.

So, believing in God allows one to have more peace about staying alive.

Throughout one's life one watches people who don't really believe in God kill themselves slowly or quickly.

For example, Some people drink themselves to death by 20,30 or 40
or they take drugs (a friend of my son's passed away at about 27

Or they commit suicide over a love they couldn't keep and couldn't live without.

Or they drive their cars over a cliff.

Or they kill themselves in battle.

They cause problems so someone else kills them.

The list goes on and on.

So, believing in God for a Western Mind is about staying alive.

Many people these days who are middle Class or above can get away with not believing in God because they haven't faced death yet. They weren't told they might die yet by doctors or friends.

So, they don't believe in anything yet.

But, one day death will come knocking and then what will they do?

How will they meet death if they don't believe in an afterlife?

In some ways it might not matter whether there is an afterlife or not

Maybe what is important is in believing you are not afraid to die.

Whereas if you believe in nothing you die and are afraid every single moment.

So, every single moment is hell.

What good is that?

For me, because I experience God and angels all the time because I am an intuitive most all moments are some version of heaven even here on earth.

And for this I give gratitude every single day for this.

Because all of us live every moment

Only by the Grace of God

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