Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Kellyanne Conway Accused of Lying and blacklisted from "Morning Joe"

begin quote from:
President Trump's top adviser Kellyanne Conway is the target of a firestorm, accused of spreading false information while making the rounds on

Kellyanne Conway Accused of Spreading False Information, Banned From 'Morning Joe'

President Trump's top adviser Kellyanne Conway is the target of a firestorm, accused of spreading false information while making the rounds on morning television.
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski said on Morning Joe Wednesday morning that she's fed up with Conway for "spreading false information."
She added that she would not be willing to speak with Conway in the future. 
"I won’t do it, because I don’t believe in fake news or information that's not true," Brzezinski said. "Every time I’ve ever seen her on television, something is askew, off or incorrect."
“She’s out of the loop; she’s in none of the key meetings," co-host Joe Scarborough said in response. "She doesn’t know. She doesn’t have the information.”
They revealed that she actually books herself on the morning shows by texting the producers directly.
The drastic move comes after Conway's disastrous appearances on morning shows Tuesday.
Trump's embattled counselor appeared flustered and ill-prepared when she was grilled about Michael Flynn's resignation on the Today show and Good Morning America.
Her responses to questions about the resignation left NBC’s Matt Lauer and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos flabbergasted on their respective programs.

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