Thursday, July 6, 2017

If you are a writer in HTML the two easiest things to remember are Break and Paragraph

I just realized that I cannot display programming functions because instead of printing them it does them inside of a "Compose" mode here at this site. So, I have to explain what the code is here to you verbally because I cannot write it because it does it instead of displaying it. First a Greater than sign on your keyboard then a b then an r with no space then a "less than" sign on your keyboard. This is the programming symbol in Html for "Break

Next I'm describing the programming symbol in Html for "Paragraph which is a greater than sign, then a P (for paragraph) then a lesser than sign. So, you just learned (when you are writing in HTML) what you do with text.

However, I'm not sharing right now at least about more sophisticated elements than that. This is just a beginning for understanding HTML for beginners especially writers. end clarification note.

"this is the symbol for Break in HTML programming. It's function is so that a line doesn't just keep going to the right forever without limit all the way off your page. So, you put a "Break" symbol that I described above in the note to stop a line from going on forever to the right literally.
to denote when you want the page to break like
it starts another line when you put this symbol strategically.

Another element to understand is Paragraph. It usually doesn't indent the paragraph but instead it tends (if I'm remembering this correctly) it just drops down and leaves one blank line.

The symbol for this is P with a Greater than sign immediately before it and a lesser than sign immediately after it.
So, if you put a for paragraph like so (Paragraph symbol in html)

This is what you get exactly in HTML  (Hyper Text Markup Language) which is the basic language for online web pages which is controlled by HTTP which means "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol" which exists just under the TCP/IP but sometimes now better known as TCP which means Transfer Control Protocol. (the IP means Internet Protocol)

Both HTTP and the (closer to machine language) TCP (or TCP/IP) allow multiple types of computer types of devices from Mainframes to Desktops, to laptops, to IPad type devices or Smart phones like IPhone and Android devices all to communicate with each other over the world wide web most of the time through Servers around the world, especially places like Silicon Valley in California between San Francisco and San Jose and others which likely by now has literally thousands of Servers running 24 hours a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year.

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