Saturday, October 14, 2017

At the Time MS-DOS and Windows 95 were better platforms if you were technically savvy

Proprietary operating systems after Windows 95 didn't allow users with technical savvy to protect themselves from Hackers as much after that.

So, as operating systems became more and more proprietary it made users more and more and more vulnerable to the technically savvy around the world. All of us capable of actually using MS-DOS
understood this and bemoaned the loss to the average person at the time realizing how much the average person would be hacked as operating systems became more and more proprietary with each new issue.

Because from a tech's point of view all the positive things the new versions of Windows gave also gave hackers new ways to harm users around the world.

This is still going on around the world with each new operating system. For example, IOS 11 for Iphones tells you stuff is off when it is still on which allows listeners or visually people to access and see you through your cameras while you are dressing or undressing or listening to private lovemaking or business conversations you thought were private.

This is why I put a piece of Gorilla Black duct tape over my front camera (the one facing me as I look at my phone on my IPHONE  to stop this theft of visuals from my family and I. However, if your whole family doesn't do this any Smartphone or laptop or Ipad or Desktop that is on is taking pictures of everything it's camera sees all the time and you never know what person or persons governmental or criminal is going to do with that information that they glean from videos of you and your family or sound tapes of you and your family and friends or both.

So, if you understand all this is happening it is easier to protect yourself from harm. But, for example, you now cannot even turn off Geotagging of pictures on your phone or camera anytime now  on many phones or cameras you buy which means the exact location of you and your family is being transmitted through those geotags to within 3 feet of your exact locations and the times you are or were there anywhere on earth. And because you cannot turn off this setting you cannot protect yourselves whenever you take a picture with your smartphone. This is getting worse and worse and worse and one wonders where it is all going to end?

Criminals observing the food you are eating and your present health conditions from monitors you swallow in your food who are located anywhere on earth or in space?

Criminals planning to harm you and your family when you are at your weakest?

One stays alive by being proactive and all those ignorant enough not to know what I'm saying here may not be alive much longer in this century they way things are presently going.

Being forewarned is being forearmed.

Where does this all end? How invasive into our lives will governments and criminals actually get worldwide?

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