Saturday, October 7, 2017

I write the way I do so you are more likely to survive whatever comes

Because no government or it's news outlets has any obligation at all to tell you the truth about anything.

So, as I ferret out the truth to the best of my ability throughout my life I try to share the truth with you so you are more likely to survive whatever you and your children encounter. Companies that make all products on earth have no obligation to tell you ANYTHING either true or otherwise either.

So, who is going to tell you the truth?

So, I try to tell you how things really are to the best of my ability that you and your children and your children's children's children may survive whatever comes here on earth and beyond when you and they travel elsewhere.

By God's Grace

If you wish to honor whatever truths you see here at my site pass on this method of sharing the truth with whoever is wise enough to listen to it during the next 1,000,000 years on earth and beyond from all who honor sharing the truth with the masses that they might also survive anything that comes.

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