Monday, October 2, 2017

It is not in car manufacturers interest (for now) to conduct useful studies of Electromagnetic radiation in hybrids and electrics


In the U.S. it is completely about liability. Remember, lead was put into gasoline here in the U.S. from the 1920s until the 1970s. Millions of young people got retarded especially in the inner cities of large cities across the U.S. from breathing in this lead near major intersections where traffic signals were from thousands of millions of cars and trucks going by.

So, no studies conducted limits car manufacturers liabilities in the long run in legal arenas. Then they can claim they didn't know it was a problem and that they didn't conduct tests. This limits financial liability greatly.

It's a lot like Doctors coming on TV in the 1950s and saying: "I smoke cigarettes and they are safe!"

This happened all the time in the 1950s. 20 years later most of those doctors were dead but in the meantime they made an amazing amount of money lying to people about the safety of cigarettes.

This Electric Car and Hybrid Car problem is the same thing and must be addressed by you and I or else people and their little kids are all going to either have neurological problems (within 20 to 30 years of exposure in cars) or they are going to be dying of cancers from this exposure (or they might also be sterilized by this exposure) and be incapable of having children in the future.

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