Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My theory is that the Hawaiian Hotspot and the "Ring of Fire" was created when Mu Sank

If this is true: "Why did the "Ring of Fire" around the Pacific Rim come into being?

Was Mu Sunk by a military exchange of some sort and is the hawaii Hotspot and the "Ring of Fire" as a result of this "Attack" on Mu from space?

I don't have the answers to this question but I think it worthwhile to ask these questions.

Because I remember us having faster than light travel until Mu Sank and at the time we had around 200 colonies on other planets. Later on Lemuria we regained within a couple of hundred years faster than light travel and had then at one point 500 or so planetary colonies with "His Oneness' in his theocracy sanctioned by the Galactic Sentience (leader of our Galaxy) who is still alive.

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