Thursday, October 19, 2017

Neanderthal Healing?

I was telling my present wife about healing myself in the 1980s and she said laughingly "That's like Neanderthal healing" and laughed.

So, this is why I named this article what I did.

At the time my now ex-wife and I (I married again in 1995) were in the 1980s up to about 1992. In the mid 1980s I was near Garrapata on the coast on the way to Big Sur with my now ex-wife and older kids who graduated High school from about 1990 to 1993 I believe (or two of them got a GED and then went to college instead of finishing high school). (They all have Bachelor's degrees from College and one is a lawyer now by the way).

So, I was doing a rock climbing move on a cliff over hanging the ocean. I was free climbing by myself because I knew if I fell I would only fall into the ocean and wouldn't die. The water would be cold but I wouldn't get injured or die I believed at the time.

So, I did a rock climbing move I had done thousands of times in Yosemite and other places but this time I wasn't in my 20s I was about 38 and my body was too old for this radical a move and I tore my muscled off the back of my right knee and fell into the water.

Now, I wasn't dead by the water was about 57 degrees so this was quite a shock plus the waves were 4 to 5 feet high plus I was out about a block climbing this cliff into the ocean away from the beach plus I had never been in the water at this beach and there were rocks under the water some places plus I couldn't use my right leg at all to swim or kick so I almost drowned getting to shore.

So, when I finally managed to literally drag myself out of the waves and onto the shore my family several blocks away down the beach came running because I was calling for help at this point because I was chilled to the bone from 57 degrees water and I couldn't use my right leg at all. So, they all got me off the beach and into our car or truck (likely our 1974 Scout II 4 wheel drive) at the time.

Then I had to heal myself after a diagnosis because though we had two businesses we were supporting 3 teenagers at the time and couldn't afford health insurance. So, the operation to fix my muscles and reattach them to the back of my knee was going to be 40,000 to 80,000 dollars and I didn't have money for that so I healed my muscles into my calf muscle on my right leg because I was capable of doing that as an intuitive and healer.

So, now I can walk because I did this so my right calf is bigger than my left but I can walk because I healed myself.

Then around 1992 I was skiing on Mt. Shasta on a Route from Bunny Flats to 7 mile Curve down the big manzanita hill covered with about 10 feet of snow. The problem was that day I was with my stepdaughter's friend skiing and I wasn't concentrating because he hadn't skied much before so I was making sure he was okay rather than focusing on my own skiing with Cross country skies going downhill.

This was a mistake because I started to do the splits because of ice and I thought I had recovered and then hit another patch and pulled my left hamstring. I had to ski out on one ski sort of like an outrigger canoe where I put no weight on my left leg because I didn't want to call a helicopter to rescue me because I was still raising teenagers and believe me they were expensive then and more expensive now even if you own two businesses which my wife and I did at the time.

So, once again I went to a doctor for a diagnosis and he said it would also cost around 40,000 to 80,000 dollars to repair my pulled hamstring. I asked him what would happen if I left it heal like this and he said you likely couldn't walk very well.

So, for the next 6 months I healed my pulled hamstring by myself and dragged my left leg as I walked with the toe pointed in about 6 inches to the left as I drug my foot and leg.

But then, after 6 months it had healed enough so I forced my foot to go to the left about 6 inches to stretch out the tendons so I could walk normally. This was very painful but I knew if I was ever going to walk normal I had to stretch these tendons out so I could walk right in the future. So, after stretching these muscles I began to walk normally ever after by 9 months after pulling my left Hamstring.

So, what my wife was getting at is this is what people before the 1900s had to do to and someone who was a physical therapist said to me: "Wow! This is a 19th century injury!" on both legs.

However, though my right calf is slightly larger than my left calf everything works pretty good and I have walked normally, skied and hiked up mountains and snorkeled and have done most things I have done all my life out of doors.

So, this is likely how people before doctors did it too: Or they died! Unless their tribes took care of them.

Note: the other Neanderthal aspect of all this is my parents didn't believe in immunizations(shots) for religious reasons. So, my very first shot was for Tetanus at age 15 when I was bit by a dog on a job I was working at with my father.

However, having 'Herd immunity' If you can survive it is where everyone was prior to about 1900 on earth. Though many more people can be alive on earth their immune systems are not as strong as those who survived up to 1900 or so who get shots to be immunized. For example, likely I would have died during the week when I had a burst appendix if I had had shots when they couldn't diagnose what was wrong with me because I had no elevated fever or increased white cell count because I had herd immunity which is superior to immunizations if you can survive it.

But, I did have whooping cough at age 2 and almost died from that because I didn't have a shot for that.

So, there is something to be said for being in touch with yourself and really living in your body rather than just being so intellectual your feet never touch the ground.

I've had many friends like this and often they have a lot of car accidents too because they don't check in with physical reality enough to stay safe.

As long as I'm tuned in enough I usually never get hurt unless I'm very distracted by something else.

This is why it is important to stay very present whenever you are doing something physical or else you often will lose fingers, toes or crash your car or bicycle.

A bicycle is wonderful for teaching you about staying present because if you don't you are often skinned from head to toe from the pavement or flying over the top of a car or bush.

So, being present whenever you are doing something physical is often a matter of life and death.

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