Thursday, May 31, 2018

It's 52 where I live in California and 53 where I am in Portland now

I thought this was an interesting coincidence. However, where I live on the coast Near San Francisco in May or June it is usually called" The June Glooms" or as Mark Twain once said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." IN other words, the sun heats up inland and draws the fog and high clouds off the ocean into the SF Bay area for most of the summer. So, where I live no one has air conditioners because it never gets above at the highest 85 and even then that is only for an afternoon before the heat sucks more fog in off the ocean from the heat inland going up into the sky and drawing more cold air and fog off the oceans during the summer mostly.

So, though it rained some in Portland, Oregon today it has been sunny and up to 88 degrees in the last 7 days too with several days of around 78 degrees too. The forests are all green and lush from the rain here sort of like Rain forests all over the place too here in Portland where they haven't been cut down for building new buildings and homes.

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