Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Advertisers abandon Roseanne Barr and her show because of racist posts

 This is what happens because of PC environment we are now in. Her posts made it impossible for sponsors to any longer sponsor her and so her show just died overnight. Only you can say whether this is good or bad just like only you can say whether men losing their careers without a trial is good or bad. It is the lynch mob of PC nationwide and worldwide for better or for worse now as we all can see. Whether you are amazed or horrified or both it is understandable at this point. Because of the present environment the PC lynch mob whether you believe it is justified or not will continue to lynch everyone good or bad or innocent or guilty or not. I wonder where we all are going to end up with all this or whether we should just look upon this as another aspect of the Technological Singularity we are all in the middle of? And it will kill or financially destroy many from now on guilty or not and this is likely to get just worse and worse and worse until one day it ends with many many bankrupted and dead from it.

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