Thursday, May 31, 2018

Trump appears to be the best birth control device for white Americans EVER

White Americans are just so completely horrified by Trump as President that they have decided en Masse to stop having babies while he is president. I've never seen anything like it. They just can't deal with Trump at all and can't imagine any future for their children so basically they have stopped having babies.

This isn't true of other races and groups in the U.S. however. This is only True of white Americans horrified by Trump. So, likely white people in the U.S. have basically reached "Zero Population Growth" since Trump was elected.

I myself was sick from election day until February 2017 when I looked forward through time and saw why Trump had been put in as president by the Secret Agencies of the Earth including the U.S.

It's not that Trump couldn't get paranoid (more than he is daily) and nuke the whole world out of existence, it's just his racist stand against Muslims, Mexicans and Black people and all other non-white peoples somehow prevents human extinction this century by killing (or indirectly causing the deaths of so many non-white people on earth.

It's a really terrifying time to be an American unless you are a racist white Bigot and then likely you are happy as a clam to see American Human rights going all to hell and the whole world going to hell along with it.

So far we are on track (Trump is) to be responsible for around 250 million deaths and the prevention of births of their children and grandchildren this century which means another 750 million births he has prevented (on top of all the white people too terrified now to consider reproducing at all here in the U.S. because Trump makes them want to throw up not propagate).

But, once again the end result is the human race doesn't go extinct?

Why? Because human rights are now so screwed up worldwide because of Trump that 1 billion lives are either taken or prevented this century  from what he has done or said already.

So, even as an intuitive I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. Likely both would be in order.

Laugh because we don't go extinct because of Trump. Cry for the billion or more lost this century already. It's already in the cards.

But time still has to be altered for us to live past 2100  as a human race here on earth.

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