Friday, July 27, 2018

NO. Aliens aren't attacking us unless you consider Roswell to be a long term attack on the Earth

Artificial intelligence came directly from the Roswell crash and other UFO crashes. So, therefore Artificial intelligence wouldn't be here either without the Roswell and other crashes. Transistors were "magically" invented after the Roswell crash too. Microchips and Kevlar helmets were invented after the Roswell Crash too because the covering of the ship was a Kevlar type of bulletproof stretched fabric.

So, if we are being attacked right now through artificial intelligence Roswell and other crashes brought that to us now also.

IF you were wondering where all this came from I was watching "Extinction" on Netflix. I can see why 84% like it so far. It is Jose Pena in a Sci-Fi Flick. Sort of a "War of the Worlds" Type of theme. As in H.G. Wells.

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