Friday, July 13, 2018

The Sun's Rays touching the earth empower the Golden Heaven all over the Earth

The Expansion of the "Golden Heaven" which I referred to as "The Golden City Heaven" which I first experienced in December 1970 when I came close to freezing to death on Mt. Shasta in a Snow cave my two climbing buddies had to dig to survive a "White Out" where we literally could not see our hands in front of our faces in a blizzard that night. Since we could not navigate anywhere because GPS devices didn't exist yet our only choice at survival then was to dig a snow cave to prevent ourselves from freezing to death during the night since we could not escape to the shelter of my car or the Sierra Club Emergency shelter because we couldn't see or know exactly where we were.

While we dug our snow cave shelter to stay alive I began to see where I was to project my soul if I died that night and I saw clearly the "Golden City Heaven" attached to Mt. Shasta then attached to the mountain between 12,000 to 14,000 feet. I saw the spires like the Washington Monument and Pyramids on a flat plain like a floating city then. And knew if I died that night where to project my soul to live in the Golden City Heaven then.

Later in 2011 I had by then told my daughter in her early 20s then the story of my near death experience at age 22 and she asked me where "The Golden City was" in 2011 about the same time as the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami and Fukushima radiation happening in Japan while we were mountaineering skiing at Bunny Flats up on Mt. Shasta. I was amazed that the "Golden City Heaven" had moved from the 12,000 to 14,000 foot level and was now at Bunny Flats to help inspire, heal and empower people coming there in the right consciousness.

At first this scared me because it reminded me of the heavens coming close to earth like they did in 2004 the month of December when 250,000 people died in the Tsunami and Earthquake in Indonesia, Thailand and Ceylon and India and throughout that side of the Pacific Ocean. But, the beings living in the Golden City Heaven told me not to fear as it was something different this time. So, I felt very relieved.

However, as my daughter and I left Bunny Flats an amazing thing happened! The Golden City Heaven Traveled with my Gold 2000 Lexus SUV down to the city. This was before I bought my 4wd Tundra in 2011.

So, not only did the Golden City heaven go down into Mt. Shasta with us it also went to San Francisco with me and to Portland with my Daughter where she lives. I have been watching the Golden City heaven expand all over earth since then.

I am aware now that this was a dispensation from the Solar Logos for mankind brought about by the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. For some reason it is intensifying now because of the flooding in southern Japan now as well.

I'm thinking this is all tied somehow to earth changes and weather changes during this century on earth where many many people will die from earth changes and weather changes from global Warming.

So, the Golden Heaven (formerly I called this the Golden city Heaven but a City as big as the whole world? So, if you can experience a heaven city as big as the whole world then still calling it the Golden City Heaven maybe is useful to you. But, otherwise maybe it is useful to call it "The Golden Heaven empowered by the Sun and Solar Logos to help mankind and all life on earth survive this century on earth. It is also for all those who are going to pass on this century from starvation, global warming and wars as well.

By God's Grace

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