Monday, July 9, 2018

What are Dictations?

Most people today call it "Channeling from Ascended Masters and Angels and Archangels". But as a child growing up in the Saint Germain Foundation I was taught to call them dictations from Ascended Masters and Angels.

But, when I found I could do this too it sort of confused me at first mostly because in the Saint Germain Foundation only Mrs. Ballard, Mr. Ballard and maybe Donald Ballard were supposed to do this. But then I realized even though I could do this I thought it wasn't useful at the time simply because of Clarity.

In other words I realized no one is ever 100% clear when giving dictations. You CAN BE 100% clear often while running your Aura in very amazing ways though. I experienced this myself when Ling Rinpoche was sending back Maitreya energy with 100% clarity from Maitreya Heaven in 1986 in January 1986 Above Dharamshala, India in the mountains in a Stone house when monks took me to see him. He had been meditating about a year or more without food or water at that point. And so I saw he was sending back Maitreya Heaven energy to me and my family and it was so powerful I went outside and cried, partly because my own father had died about 7 months before this and I had to send his body into the crematorium myself after witnessing that it was actually him. So, this experience with Ling Rinpoche (the Senior Teacher of the Dalai Lama) was profound beyond anything I had ever experienced before on earth because of becoming connected with Maitreya's Heaven realm right here on earth at that point in time. It is how I believe I was prepared to help The Solar Logos bring the "Golden City Heaven" to millions now on earth.

By God's Grace

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