Wednesday, July 18, 2018

What we may be witnessing is the end of the nation state on earth

It is likely because of nuclear weapons that this appears to be happening. As long as we could have big actual wars like World War I, World War II, the Civil War and the Revolutionary war, nations states could continue to exist.

However, I think we might be moving towards something else. Even the Cyber War between Russia and the Western Democracies feels different than anything before. The people can't seem to take it as seriously as we did Pearl Harbor for whatever the reason.


Because we don't see our people dying in battle. We only see our people dying form homelessness, accidents and floods and hurricanes and the like.

So, people actually dying are dying from Global warming or starvation or lack of health care or overdoses on Opioids instead of on the battle fields for the most part.

And even those dying on battlefields aren't draftees but instead volunteers who are choosing to do the dying, just like police choose to die in their careers too. All are volunteers at dying. There are no people forced to die against their wills like in all past wars.

So, all the old rules of warfare are basically gone.

And this might also be why the Nation state (at least as we knew it for 1000 years) is dying too.

And the old rules are only replaced now with confusion in everyone in wondering what their role in the future will be?

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