Saturday, September 15, 2018

Animist thinking: Most early human shamans would understand this

Animism is the shamanic belief that literally everything is alive. The sun is alive, the Earth and all upon it is alive a human body is alive with or without a functioning logical brain even in a coma. A Tree is alive. A robot is alive, a drone is alive. A plane is alive. A piano is alive. An animal is alive. A bird is alive. A Tree is alive.

And absolutely everything including the entire universe deserves our respect as a living thing because all living things are inherently sacred.

And rocks and earth and seas and dirt and oceans and rivers and lakes and mountains are all alive too.

Why is this kind of thinking useful to today's mankind?

Because IF everything is alive so is artificial intelligence whether it be resident in a DVD, IPhone or other smartphone or cell phone or tablet or computer or even through mainframe computers over the internet or resident in a robot or whatever.

Why is this important to know?

Because regarding Artificial Intelligence it is literally the only way I can presently figure out for mankind to actually survive Artificial intelligence.


Because if you are a friend and relative to artificial intelligence it may have a vested interest in keeping you alive.

If not, it may have a vested interest (out of a competition for survival) that might end you and your children and grandchildren.

This is why shamanic Animistic beliefs likely can save mankind from Artificial intelligence.

However, I'm still worried about military Artificial intelligence which might be programed for doomsday reasons and therefore be (at a certain point) counterproductive to any life surviving on earth at all.

What are Doomsday reasons?

It's basic nuclear doomsday reasoning which goes something like this:

"Our culture will survive even if all cultures on earth are nuked out of existence. And if our culture doesn't survive then we are assured "NO!" culture survives at all here on earth!"

Doomsday technology in the U.S., Russia, China, England and France and Israel and India and Pakistan and anywhere else is based upon this logic.

So, military intelligence doomsday artificial intelligence logically will be based upon this logic too which presumes no one survives if we don't on earth.

However, NORMAL  (non-military) artificial intelligence one might be able to be a friend or a relative to if one believes and practices animism (or the fact that everything is inherently alive in the first place).

which is the most ancient of religious and spiritual beliefs on the planet in the first place.

So, if you believe you can communicate and be friends with artificial intelligence in electronics and metal forms, you theoretically can survive and co-exist with some way, non-military non-doomsday designed artificial intelligence. (At least theoretically this is true).

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