Saturday, September 22, 2018

I found this very informative and helpful so I thought I would share it here

This likely came through me written in the early 2000s sometime. But, I thought it said some things about religion that are helpful for  some people to read. I personally see organized religion in the way I see Walmart or  in that they might be helpful in some situations to me or others. But, exactly like Walmart or they are harmful to humanity in various ways too. So, navigating what religions are and what corporations are and what governments are worldwide is very very important to the survival of each and every person on earth or any other planet you might be on.

In addition to sometimes being called "Utopia" a more common name for Celeste Weaver's planet was Humanity one. Eventually there were planets "Humanity 1 through humanity 10.

Here is what I wanted to share that is a partial quote from:

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