Friday, September 21, 2018

The Galactic Sentience and Arcane

This section is after Celeste chooses to pass on after 800 to 1000 years of life on the 2nd timeline of earth but relating to the 1st timeline of New Deva also, mostly with Arcane and her children and grandchildren etc. Here is the word button in case you want to read all of "Celeste" at Also, Eridian and Meridian are the same being. begin quote from:

The Galactic Sentience and Arcane
To continue: Arcane decided to ask Eridian what to do next. Eridian faded into the  Mt. Shasta cabin living room like a spirit. For some reason he never fully took physical form. Eridian said perfunctorily. "You must go to visit the Galactic Sentience." Eridian then faded out.
Arcane was amazed. He couldn't figure out why he should go see the Galactic Sentience. For once he was more than a little scared. Only the extremely ignorant or the truly foolish would not be at least a little scared if they had to meet the immortal ruler of the whole galaxy. Arcane knew that even his surviving such a meeting was debatable. Everything he had seen or read on meetings with the Galactic Sentience mentioned a death of the person and a rebirth. One's memories of the events previous to ones meetings with the Galactic Sentience didn't change just everything about how one perceived everything in ones life during and after the meeting. Obviously, meeting the Galactic Sentience caused one to be reborn in consciousness and perception. Some physical beings could not withstand the meeting and simply physically died in the change.
Arcane knew he wouldn't physically die. He had a sense about things like this. However, he also knew he would never be the same again. It was as if the Galaxy had waited for his children and wife to pass on before they changed him into some other type of person or being. Arcane sent one thought to Eridian. He telepathed, "How should I go there?" Eridian said, "See yourself there now! All will be impressed with you at this accomplisment. They will know you are ready for your next step in evolution." Arcane said, "Evolution?" Eridian simply replied, "Be ready for anything like when you first met me out of the blue." Arcane said, "I understand, my friend.
Arcane now realized that to prepare too much for this would create more problems than solutions. So, like jumping off a cliff when it was time, Arcane simply visualized the Galactic Sentience in the Core of the Galaxy and he was there.
All of a sudden Arcane was with what appeared to be an electrical plasma storm which was much bigger than the whole Solar System. Arcane was amazed and shocked by this experience. The huge Electrical plasma storm seemed to be feeding on the energy and mass from the whirpool leading into a black hole. Arcane noticed his physical body was surrounded by the familiar green sentient see through sphere from future earth. Eridian was obviously helping him. Arcane heard laughter in his mind and then his mind was gone. It was very much like being in a dream. In Arcane's 'dream' the Galactic Sentience was communicating with him. He was aware of the immortal intelligence of this God-like being. There was also the 'glee' of this being in meeting with Arcane. The being said, "I have been waiting some time for you, Grandfather, to speak with you again." Arcane said, "Who is Grandfather?" The Galactic Sentience said, "Why you are, Arcane. You've just chosen to forget who you are for awhile. I think you told me that you would take a 2 billion year vacation from yourself while you regenerated your consciousness into something more useful and interesting to you." Arcane decided that this was all nuts. Arcane said to the Galactic Sentience. "Am I nuts or dreaming or what?" The Galactic Sentience just laughed and said, "I think the 'or what' would be the appropriate response."
Arcane's body was starting to tremble as he looked down at his heart. Some call this area of the body the 'Buddha Mind'. He was really scared now. There was no doubt about that. He was watching lights and sounds coming out of his heart in a voice he had never heard before. The lights and the voice said in speaking to the Galactic Sentience, "Grandson, you've done well as the Galactic Sentience of this Galaxy. I made an excellent choice in choosing you as my successor." There was laughter in the form of energy dancing around him and the energy storm and what had ever been real to Arcane was lost forever. When Arcane awoke from this he was aware that a great deal of time had passed. He was sitting alone cross legged floating in the green sphere. He remembered everything now. But he was definitely no longer Arcane, at least not the Arcane he remembered. He could still use the name Arcane but ARcane was entirely different now.
His recent experiences reminded him of an experience in a vision he had had once. In this vision he was in a dimension with no planets anywhere. He had had no physical body in this vision and was just a point of consciousness floating in an eternal sunset of orange, purple, pink and blue. There was no weight or stress and only peace there. The word "heaven" came to mind. Sometimes he had experienced this when he was just drifting off to sleep or just slowly waking up. In this eternal sunset with no up or down or planet or humans he could see in all directions. There was no earth or land or bodies or water anywhere. There was just the thousands of other souls nearby. There was no loneliness only peace and comfort and happiness. It was heaven.
Arcane felt like he had been to heaven and now he was someone else in the same body. It was like reincarnating as someone else in the same body with the old memories and now new ones too. The new Arcane was completely amazed. He was beginning to reintegrate. He became aware of the Galactic Sentience and woke up suddenly.
The Galactic Sentience smiled. He appeared in human form to Arcane. Arcane could see himself as an older man like a grandfather. The Galactic Sentience now appeared to him as a much younger man of about 35 years of age. The Galactic Sentience said once more to Arcane, "Hi Grandpa. I'm your grandson, Joseph." At first the new Arcane laughed and shockingly Joseph laughed along with him. It seemed as if they laughed for days about millions of things telepathically, wordlessly, amazingly. At the end of these seeming 'days' of laughing together Arcane finally got it. He got it all. A very mischievous look came over Joseph. He said, "There is just one more secret for you to remember. Celeste, Arrayin is the other half of your soul and perfectly reintegrated into you now. She's your twin or as some humans call it your split apart. We could only do what is happening now to you because you and she are one being here 'in the flesh' so to speak. You two get to be one in you natural state. I get to speak with my grandfather for a time and you, Arcane and Celeste as one get to experience who and what you really are---The Galactic Sentience who pass the Crown of Light to me--- so to speak."
Arcane? thought about all this. He finally said, "Yes. Celeste and I are one." Arcane thought. "I was the previous Galactic Sentience and Celeste and I created this Galaxy and I remember it all now." He looked out into the eyes of his grandson and said, "This might seem like a small thing but after all I am still a Time Guard Ambassador to Earth." Interjecting and smiling Joseph said, " And you are also a Time Guard Ambassador visiting me by the way." Arcane laughed and then Joseph joined him in the stupendous power of this last thought. For Arcane realized he had not even asked permission of the Time Guard to visit the Galactic Sentience. Joseph, had obviously dealt with this problem already and had made it disapear.
Arcane said, "Joseph, it becomes more clear to me exactly why my incarnations as Jonathan, His Oneness, King Interlaken, Eridian, Darshan etc. are all so well protected each in their own ways. I am literally one of the elder retired statesmen of the Galaxy." Joseph's eyes rolled up in his head. He was so relieved his grandfather was back. He said, "Exactly. This is why everything you do is so closely monitored by so many galactic beings. All wise beings know that you never do anything by accident. And if you are somewhere doing something in whatever form you are in it is always strategic to the whole galaxy. So millions of non-creators watch you as well as the trillions of creators who effortlessly monitor your every thought and move in physical and non physical universes.
Arcane got more serious. "All that is very well and good but why have you summoned me here in fullness at this time?" Joseph looked very sad and serious. "I need to consult with you on certain problems facing the galaxy and the future of the creators."
Arcane looked inside himself and then looked to Joseph and asked, "Am I well integrated enough at present for my comments to be of use to you?" Joseph said, "Actually, as far as objectivity goes you are perfect. I just have to be very careful how I state my problems to you and be sure I make my case as objective and as unemotional as possible." Arcane Celeste said, "It's the boredom factor of the immortal creators isn't it." Joseph looked sad, "Yes." Joseph went on, "We are losing at least one creator to entropy every earth day." Arcane was shocked. "That fast?" "I'm afraid so." Joseph went on,"However, I want to ask your opinion of whether we can afford to let a higher percentage of creators temporarily forget who they are so they can recreate as humans and other types of beings."
Arcane Celeste immediately had the answer. They said as one, "Joseph, if you allow them in 1,000,000 year shifts up to 33% could temporariliy forget who they are in order to recreate themselves at a time. Not only that retroactively doing this to the creators lost to entropy would automatically regenerate them." Joseph looked like a million pound weight had been taken of his shoulders. Joseph said, "Thank God!" Joseph looked like he was going to cry in relief. He said, "This is totally outside my career specialities of diplomatic and military logistics, Grandfather. After all, you always were the sociologist, planetary anthropologist and spiritual leader of this galaxy. Grandfather, I can do this but it's not my favorite thing like it is yours."
Arcane Celeste looked deeply into Joseph's eyes. They said as one, "You are the best at what you do, Joseph. There is a time for everything. You have won all the battles that the Galaxy needed you to and now our people are getting bored. You just need to send them off in new directions of creative endeavor until another Galactic crisis emerges. Then you can train others to quickly wake them up out of forgetfulness for the next battle for the survival of the Galaxy." Joseph said, "You and me Grandpa could rule the whole universe." Arcane Celeste said, "Look at the history of the universe, Joseph. Any creator that has tried to rule even three galaxies has failed miserably and sometimes up to 3 galaxies and the immortality of trillions of creators were permanently lost to the void."
"Is that so bad, Grandfather?" Arcane looked at Joseph and said, "You need a vacation, Joseph!" Joseph said, "I agree." Joseph went on, "I was thinking Grandpa, maybe I could split and go back as Arcane and into Celeste's next incarnation and just forget about ruling a Galaxy for a time so I could get a better perspective on it all." Arcane Celeste looked at Joseph incredulously and said, "If you don' think that would be too incestuous I think that could be arranged for a time. I would still be present like a guardian angel, Joseph,just so you didn't change the work ARcane and Celeste do, okay?" Joseph said, "Thank God you're back, Grandpa. I've done an excellent job for almost 1 billion years now but now I'm just getting tired of it all." Arcane Celeste then said, "Hoave you contacted the council of Creators?" Joseph Said,"Yes, Grandfather." Arcane Celeste said, "What did they say?" Joseph said, "They said I needed a vacation but they didn't want me gone for very long." Arcane Celeste said, "Just take the time you need to heal your soul and recreate yourself." Joseph said, "Okay Grandpa. Also you could implement the training of special creators to help the creators on vacation to forget who they are for a time and for bringing them back to full memory and consciousness as creators in the future." Arcane Celeste looked at Joseph. He was care worn. Arcane Celeste said, "I'd like you to test drive ARcane's life right now." ARcane Celeste put his her thumb on Joseph's forehead and watched as Joseph changed into the appearance and memory of Arcane and "whoosh" he was gone.

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