Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hurricanes Michael and Florence are the new normal


Because Global Warming causes exactly problems like Michael and Florence.

Heat in the oceans (as it increases) causes more evaporation easier into clouds making rain all over the world, but especially in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans worldwide. Heat also increases winds to move at faster and faster paces worldwide as well.

The hotter the oceans and lands and air,  the faster air rises which is one of the creators of wind along with the spinning of the earth in relation to the ocean of air on Earth.

So, expect stronger and stronger winds along with higher and higher storm surges caused by these winds, expect more and more rain coming down than before too. And this isn't just in the Southeastern U.S. but also worldwide in tropical areas and in semi-tropical areas.

Also, as Ice melts in the ocean the ocean goes from white to blue or green which absorbs more heat from the sun than white Ice does which increases the heating cycle of the oceans.

Lands don't maintain the heat like a battery does electricity either,  only the oceans maintain the heat year around and it slowly increases its heat worldwide. Land only holds the heat maybe 1 to 2 feet down, so wind over lands and move up and down the temperature scale from freezing to boiling hot.

But, ocean and lakes are going to maintain their heat more and more because of the nature of deeper water in relation to the sun.

So, because of this you can have extreme temperature variations from extremely hot to extremely cold all over the world. In Desert areas there can sometimes be up to a 100 degree difference between day and night temperatures because of this. And this likely will also continue for a variety of reasons.

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