Thursday, October 25, 2018

Most of world sees Trump as nuts so world Stock markets are tanking

If you watched how Trump responded to so many leading Democrats being attacked and their lives threatened today, you also understand why the world stock markets are tanking too. Trump has demonstrated he is completely nuts now and acting more and more like a despot and Hitler and others.

So, the end result is the stock markets of the world are tanking. However, October is when profit taking often takes place in markets around the world and also the stock market crashed October 29th 1929 and we might see this again this year because economic dynamics now are much the same as then. Money is positioned mostly in the hands of the very wealthy(especially here in the U.S.) which could trigger easily a new great Depression which eventually (or right now) could go worldwide. But, with Trump at the head of the U.S. that would be a completely disaster for the U.S. just like when Herbert Hoover (another businessman) created the first Great Depression just like Trump might have too this month.

The stock markets of the world hate unknowns worse than anything. And I can't see anything more unknown than (whatever crazy thing Trump will do next). So, expecting a crash of epic proportions and either another Great Recession or another Great Depression could be in the offing.

You need to have enough cash out of the stock market to survive whatever comes now. This might be important to say to people around the world who are investors. OR you need to prepare to leave your money where it is for around 10 years just like around 2006 to 2009 and after to wait for it to recover.

IF you live in California, Rent Control if it passes could destroy real estate investments in California as well. So, you likely need to prepare for that possibility too. (or read the law before it might pass) which now is 60-40 in polls that it might pass. However, then (who is actually going to go vote?). Renters might not be the ones you expect to vote the most. It's hard to say.

I believe rent control should be passed city by city and  not statewide because doing this statewide now could be a complete disaster for the state if you understand the terrible effects upon funding for cities and municipalities by creating rent control state wide. You are going to see cities and municipalities going bankrupt because of the after effects of Rent Control state wide. It will greatly reduce tax monies received by the state and cities and municipalities in epic proportions if state wide rent control passes.

On the other hand without rent control from San Jose up into San Francisco, older residents will be driven out of the city or state by rising rents skyrocketing out of sight. However, to do this state wide is completely insane and will destroy cities and municipalities across the state in ways not properly thought out yet.

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