Monday, October 22, 2018

"Our U.S. Democracy is a House burning down!" Bill Moyers

Do I agree with this?

At a Federal Level: YES. Unfortunately.

Both parties: Republicans and Democrats lie to their constituents. It didn't used to be this way before the 1990s. Before the 1990s there was some agreement possible between the parties but no more.

Since Democracy is always a compromise. If there is no middle Ground the Democracy ends which is what we are witnessing now with Trump.

This is why Trump is like Hitler because Hitler was voted in Democratically too who ushered in Fascism and the Nazi Germany state.

In exactly the same way the Lies take seed and democracy dies.

This time it is because White people are freaked out that are Republicans and so they end our democracy with Fascism just like Hitler did by demonstrating against and killing minorities of all kinds including all women of any race.

We are now witnessing the end of our democracy.

Can it be saved?

I don't know. We will have to wait and see.

IF it gets worse will most people who can afford to leave, leave the U.S.?

Likely the same way rich people and middle Class people escaped Nazi Germany people will leave if they can when they see there is no hope left to save our nation and our democracy from people like Trump. This will then leave the poor and middle Class to face the horror of a Trump run Fascist State.

And then we have Putin and China fanning the flames of chaos online and in other ways every single day. Can American Democratic principles survive during the present Technological Singularity?

I don't know.

It's possible. But at a Federal Level our Democracy is a House burning down with no firefighters or police or civilians as of yet coming to put out the fire before the house is burned to the ground. The last two years we have watched our house of  a Democracy in a Republic burning down.

Can no one save it?

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