Monday, February 8, 2021

I know what a cult is: I was raised in one

 I have had experience in my life with three Christian Cults (even though the Moonies is sort of a religion of all religions more.)

Growing up as a child I didn't recognize I was being raised in a mystical Christian Cult which was Conservative Republican in it's political stance just like many protestant Christian cult like religions are here in the U.S. You might even be living or have been raised in a Christian cult here in the U.S. and didn't realize this is what happened to you growing up because they don't tell you that you are in a cult you just are there and that's all.

So, when I left this cult I was raised in at first I was suicidal because it was sort of like being Amish without people who didn't believe in technology of the 20th century and after except my cult did believe in technology only they believed the new technology came from other planets to earth which is one belief I likely still share with them to some degree.

What don't I believe from this cult? I don't believe that animals were created by "Black magicians" which is how they would say this. note: Black magicians would mean in their venacular that these people would be sort of like supernatural demons who created all animals.

This never seemed right to me even as a child so it was a pretty easy thing to dismiss as an adult out of my belief system.

So, because I was suicidal for several years after leaving this cult I was raised in I understand psychologically what happens to people raised in various cults like moonies, Amish, etc.

Then after about 6 years of not being in the cult I was raised I got into a similar cult for awhile until I had to save someone's life who was a lesbian and it was more important to save their life than to stay in the next similar cult to the one I had been raised in. I was raised in the Saint Germain Foundation and the next cult I was a part of from 1975 until 1978 was the Summit Lighthouse which is very similar to the Saint Germain Foundation in their belief systems.

However, by that point in my life I was 30 years old and realized I didn't belong in any organized religion because I'm too individualistic to do that. Also, I tend to be a leader and walk right into the center of things and this wasn't going to work either. Then I thought about starting my own religion and Saint Germain told me that religions are obsolete in that fundamentalists of the religions of the world are going to keep trying to blow up the world with nukes. This is why all religions are obsolete if human beings want to continue to live here on earth.

I consider cults to be PTSD generators in that unless you share their beliefs you have to leave these cults and this is problematic for people raised in these cults because many will suicide because they cannot think for themselves and design their own reality.

So, because of my experience with the Saint Germain Foundation and the Summit Lighthouse and a weekend with the Moonies:

Now that was an interesting experience (the moonies) they wanted me to be a "programmer" to program the minds of new Moonies recruits. Why?

Because I had already been in two cults and understand fully how people's minds are manipulated.

However, because I had already almost killed myself because of cult beliefs already from 1969 to 1973 I thought that it was really bad karma to program people into ANY cult. So, I left after one weekend in Boonesville, California where they try to indoctrinate people or at least did then in 1979.

One note here is that they never told me that they were the Moonies. I learned this from a woman who had been kidnapped by them and had to jump out of a moving car in Oakland to escape them after they held her captive for 2 months time. The called themselves instead the "Creative Community Project" of Berkeley and Oakland instead.

So, for me, looking at Qanon people I see the cult like PTSD all over them and worry about all of their long term survival both psychologically and physically.

So, I see the Capitol insurrection through the lens of seeing these people as PTSD cultists having temporarily or permanently lost their hold on normal sanity and reality by the Qanon cult with Covid Fatigue a major element in their temporary or permanent insanity.

And at least 100 to 200 of them likely will spend 10 to 20 years to life in prison just because they believed in Qanon and thought it was okay to break into the Capitol. And we mostly have Russia's FSB which is a new version of the old KGB to thank for that Capitol break in by designing carefully through advanced Social Psychology techniques of how to subvert minds already in danger from PTSD from Iraq and Afghanistan as soldiers there combined with Covid Fatigue from the last year. So, American patriots minds who serve in Iraq and Afghanistan were warped by Russian PHDs in psychology through online brainwashing. This is what actually happened here and then Trump helped a lot too through what he said sort of like a Banana Republic Dictator and as Putin's patsy trying desperately to remain president any way that he could so he could to stay out of American jails a little longer. I won't be surprised if Trump gets in his plane and moves to Russia or Saudi Arabia or somewhere else rather than spend the rest of his life in jail here in the U.S.

begin quote:

The immediate predecessor of the FSB was the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK) of Russia, itself a successor to the KGB: on 12 April 1995, Russian president Boris Yeltsin signed a law mandating a reorganization of the FSK, which resulted in the creation of the FSB.
Founders: Boris Yeltsin

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