Monday, February 8, 2021

Melissa Rein LIvely: "Qanon is a cult caused by PTSD from coronavirus"

She was being interviewed on CNN by Brook Baldwin and was speaking about how she was terrified by Coronavirus and didn't realize it was PTSD that got her involved in Qanon until she took a course on PTSD and resolving these issues.

I have also written here how even the Capitol insurrection is because of Covid Fatigue PTSD that many are experiencing, especially ex-soldiers who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. Covid Fatigue PTSD on top of battle Fatigue from fighting and getting shot at, blown up and knifed in Iraq and Afghanistan was fatal for Officer Sicknick who was fatally beaten to death by mostly PTSD US Veterans and then honored as he lie in state in the Capitol rotunda recently. 

I agree that it is an authoritarian Cult managed by Psychologists and psychaitrists in Russia under Putin's orders. Anyone that understands basic Social Psychology having studied this in college would understand this about the fact that it is a Russian managed cult online to help create the overthrow of our American Democracy.

Some people can be rescued from this brainwashing and others cannot be rescued from this. So, until coronavirus Fatigue is gone or better managed there are likely going to be millions of people that continue in this brainwashed state.

Coronavirus Fatigue is in many ways exactly the same thing that was called "Battle Fatigue" during World War II except now and it is being manipulated online by PHD psychologists in Russia to Brainwash Americans to do things like invade the Capitol and to try to kill people like Pence and Pelosi for reasons that have no basis at all in reality.

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