Friday, February 5, 2021

Why couldn't I share both a Link and a quote of the article itself?

 It has something to do with how is set up as far as the structure of the programming there in that you cannot share both a link and a quote of the article itself in the same article.

I'm not sure why this is true. However, when different programmers set up how things will be done at a certain site they are doing things often for different reasons according to what they are told to do or the eceentricities of whoever the programmer or programmers are but it also has to do with whatever templates they are using as a shorthand too.

There are all sorts of programming tricks. For example, except for my Links page I no longer usually program in HTML at all here at my blog site because I can use auto-encoders that automatically do the coding for me. 

This then saves me 90% to 99% of the time it would take programming and debugging whatever I'm programming for here. most of the time it works fine. Some of the time it doesn't because it's sort of like using Google Translate in some ways in regard to programming languages instead of human languages.

All computers think in zeros and ones and all computer languages are set up so humans don't have to think in zeros and ones on a daily basis simply because thinking in binary is difficult for most people especially when you go to 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit systems, because each one is in a slightly different format.

So, thinking in computer languages is much easier but thinking in auto-encoders is even easier if it actually works in doing what you want to and most of the time that works here somewhat as you can see from my site.

If you have never used an auto-encoder if all you want to do is to write you just write and publish and that's all. But, if you want to add pictures and graphics of various kinds that gets a little more complicated. Or if you want to quote from other sources and leave begin quote from: so you give credit to who actually wrote what you are quoting that also is a little more complicated.

But, if all you want to do is to type and that's all you can do that quite easily through the auto-encoders here at (blogspot).

All you do if you ONLY want to type is type it in and name your article and save it and that's all.

So, get yourself a free blog at Blogspot ( and then go to where you create your pages and then make sure you are in "Compose" and not in HTML then you type name the file and then save it and they check to see if you are happy with the result.

But, if you are new to this remember blogspot ( is an international group of sites so be very careful what you share because it will go international to anywhere Google is available worldwide. So, you don't want to share your full name or your address or even pictures of where you live or things like this. Also, any photos you take that are digital have their location wthin the digitizer which gives the latitude and longitude of your photo within 3 feet of where it was taken. So, even if you don't give people your address if you take a picture within your home it will tell thieves where your home is at any location on earth from the latitude and longitude built within all digital pictures.

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