Saturday, April 10, 2021

Preparing for an earthquake

This is sort of how I prepare for an earthquake rather than a list of things to do. I thought I should say that to begin with. 

However, often when an earthquake occurs above a 6.0 which often happens somewhere in California ever year or two you want to have water and canned goods and lanterns and kind of hope it isn't in the winter (when it's colder) or in the summer when it's too hot simply because there might not be power for heating or air conditioning unless you have a gasoline or diesel generator to provide electricity to keep all this happening for you.

With Earthquakes above 6.0 often roads aren't working for weeks or months because they are impassable. So, the more remote you live the more of a problem getting food this becomes. So, having a bicycle or off road motorcycle might be important so you can either jump over roads on an off road motorcycle to go get food or carry your bicycle over sections of broken road that no car or truck can drive over. All you need is one section of the only road to your home that is either paved or dirt or rock and you are landlocked away from markets and food (even if they are open) after a big earthquake.

For me, often if it is a big one coming I'm aware about 1 month before it happens. How is this useful?

Sometimes this is somewhat useful and sometimes not because when you feel a big one coming it makes you a little fearful because you are never entirely sure what is going to happen when it comes. So, is it useful to know when earthquakes are coming? Both Yes and No. But, it is useful because you and your family will tend to know it's coming and be more prepared either by buying what you need or by leaving the area if the quake is too big. So, if you know where and the week it will occur you might leave and go somewhere else for a week or two so you don't have to go through all that in person. This prevents injuries and deaths for at least you and your family. 

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