Monday, September 19, 2022

When I was in Rewalsar, India called Tsopema by the Tibetans I asked Saint Germain if he was Padmasambhava

 This was in 1986 when I got to Rewalsar to celebrate Lotsar which is the Tibetan New Year. I think we arrived some time in January as Lotsar that year was sometime February I believe. We were in India and Nepal about 2 months each place traveling around as a family. My wife and I were 37 then and our children were 10, 12 and 14 at that time. Now the oldest is around 50 years old and the youngest 48 I believe at present.

While I was Staying in the penthouse of the Nyingma Tibetan Buddhist Monastery in Rewalsar I asked Saint Germain if he was also Padmasambhava. They were doing a 24 hour puja there singing songs to Dorje Drollo who is one of the manifestations of Padmasambhava which is a crazy wisdom manifestation.

I had received this initiation from Lama Gompo from deep in Tibet at UC Berkeley in I believe 1983 so I was connected to this practice and did these mantras too because I am also a Crazy Wisdom emanation naturally.

What does Crazy Wisdom mean? It means that you will do almost anything to rescue souls and to save them both physically and supernaturally as souls. It means you have Very Strong Faith and possibly Siddhis too usually too in what you try to accomplish for all souls to be saved ongoing.

The easiest way to understand Crazy wisdom is that it is literally "The Wisdom Beyond knowledge" so it is intuitive wisdom which is often superior to intellectual thought because it is much more instinctual and deep seated.

It's sort of like when a baby runs out into the street in front of a truck and you save that baby in the nick of time before it is run over and killed.


In the process of all this I asked Saint Germain if he was Padmasambhava. His answer when I visited the Padmasambhava cave about 2000 feet above the town of Rewalsar (Tsopema) is that when I went into the building where the Padmasambhava footprints melted into the rock supernaturally are protected I noticed my vasques cascade hiking boots size 14 were exactly the same size so I picked up my right one and placed it into the melted footprint into the rock and it fit exactly. And I laughed and this likely blew the monks mind who led me in there I guess. I was invited for Tea by Lama Wangdor immediately to his Gonpo (Tibetan Buddhist Temple) nearby. Later within 2 years Lama Wangdor came to Mt. Shasta and gave about 100 of my friends and I the Dzogchen initiation which is one of the two highest initiations even given to anyone in Tibetan Buddhism.

When I walked out of the protected hut that protects the footprints from being stolen by people there, I noticed that the sky had turned violet purple and then violet rain and violet lightning came out of the clouds. This was Saint Germain who is of the violet or purple Sacred fire telling me that he was indeed Padmasambhava. This also meant that he was likely Merlin as well. After studying ancient manuscripts I realized that they said that Padmasambhava was "Pink complected" which means he was white like a European and realized that Padmasambhava was likely Merlin who installed King Arthur on the Throne who unified England for the first time.

This made perfect sense to me because Padmasambhava also prophetically took Buddhism to Tibet which was important because it was wiped out in India by the Moghuls when they ransacked Nalanda University which was the main Buddhist University on earth. But, Tibetan Buddhism prospered because Padmasambhava had taken it to Tibet which wasn't conquered until around 1950 by the Communist Chinese. This allowed Tibetan Buddhism to grow unfettered in Tibet for over 1000 to 1200 years with no interference from outside nations pretty much.

So, as a young man Merlin Became Padmasambhava and as an older man he returned as Merlin to England and installed King Arthur on the Throne of England. So, he was instrumental in creating Both Tibetan Buddhism and the unification of England in the same lifetime. 


By God's Grace

Note: Also, Tibetan Buddhist Records brought to Tibet from Nalanda University told of Jesus who came to India as a Guru after he resurrected in Jerusalem with his wife and children. His Wife it said was Mary Magdalene and he had children and became a Guru known as Saint Issa. If you go back to Aramaic which was Jesus' native language his name in Aramaic was and is Yesu or Yeshua. It is easy to understand that people in various languages in India might have trouble saying Yesu or Yeshua so they called him Saint Issa instead which completely resembles Yesu or Yeshua of Aramaic origin being Jesus' native language.

So, the real story likely is that Jesus resurrected and became a Indian Guru and there are likely now thousands to millions of Jesus' descendants all over the world at this point. The Tibetan Records say that Jesus as Saint Issa lived to be 85 years of age that came to Tibet from Nalanda Buddhist University before it was destroyed by the Islamic Moghuls that ransacked India at that time and wiped out Buddhism wherever they could then in India at lower altitudes.

However, Tibet was never conquered until the 1950s by Communist China under Mao Tse Tung so these records remained intact in Tibet and were also brought to Dharamshala, India with the Dalai Lama eventually. So, historical records more accurate than the ones most people are presently using are available in Tibetan historical writings.

By God's Grace

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