Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day all you Mothers out there!

 I have had the interesting experience of having been married three times and have one child with each of my wives. The good news is that I am close with all my kids and have helped them through college, some still. 

My present wife has adopted all my kids as her own by the way which is really good for all of them in many different ways.

But, the point of this article is "Happy Mother's Day" for all of you.

One of the nice things for Mother's Day for my present wife of almost 30 years now is that our biological daughter recently returned from going to college in Europe since last August and so is here for Mother's Day which is wonderful for my wife and I that she is visiting us.

So, Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers out there!

We also have one adopted Daughter who is married and has a son and lives in the San Diego Area who called to wish my wife Happy Mother's Day too.

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