Sunday, May 14, 2023

The U.S. has 44% of the world's gun suicides

 I'm not sure what this says about a nation that is only 4% of the world's population other than we have 11 times the suicides maybe of anywhere else on earth at least by Gun.

And why in a world of plenty here in the U.S. do we have 44% of the world's suicides by gun?

I really don't know the answer to this question. Do You?

I do know that people got markedly more crazy because of what happened during Covid in the U.S. and most people can't get to the right kind of help to stay alive these days either.

I found myself by going into the wilderness with my family and away from big cities. That was my solution that I first tried in 1976 by moving to Mt. Shasta. By 1980 I was divorced and a single father and remarried that year and bought 2 1/2 acres of land over 10 miles from the nearest gas station or store there in the wilderness.

I found this living remotely healed me of the craziness of living in a city.

So, from my point of view living in a city causes drug problems, insanity and all sorts of problems in people's lives.

For me, moving to the country and buying land and building my own house was one of the best things I ever did for me and my family. And home schooling my children for 5 years was great too.

However, this was my answer but everyone must find their own answers to surviving their lives.

By God's Grace

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