Sunday, May 14, 2023

In the 1950s unless people were beating you or harming you you often didn't know what they thought or felt

 Even then you didn't know if it was really you they were angry at or they had been beaten by someone else and were just passing on the rage. But, social media didn't really exist in the 1950s or psychological therapy (unless you were very rich) so in this sense you defined yourself as a child and as an adult much more than now. You were who you were more and people around you (especially your own age) didn't define you as much as now. So, this is why it's easy for me to disregard what ANYONE says on Social media simply because I know who I am from growing up in a different simpler era than this one. Was the one before better or worse?

It wasn't worse or better from my point of view it was just crazy in different ways  than now.

People think things are so much better now. But, I don't see it that way.

There were not so many homeless people when I grew up  because mostly we called them hobos then who rode the freight trains and were men mostly who had PTSD from being soldiers in World War II or the Korean War in the 1950s. Or I suppose they could have had PTSD from World war I also for the older ones who traveled around on Freight trains then.

Homelessness now is completely out of control and has destroyed places like San Francisco from Other States turfing their homeless to San Francisco by bus for years and years now.

It reminds me of how people in Texas are turfing migrants across the border to New York City. Same kind of thing.

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