Sunday, May 14, 2023

Trump has been getting away with murder his whole life

Do I mean people have died because of Trump? This is an unknown as far as I know but seeing how he    believes in raping women and then lying about it what is really the difference between that and killing men? Not much.

But, the point I want to address here is he has learned (from his father) not to pay his bank loans back and instead finding stupid reasons to sue the banks that gave him loans.

Then he met Putin after every bank in the world refused to loan ANYMORE money to Trump because word got around. Is Trump Crazy? I would say Crazy like a Fox or a Mafia head one or both.

So, Then he asked Putin for help and Putin through Deutsche bank in Germany basically co-signed for Trump's loans. So, without Putin Trump would have gone Bankrupt a 2nd time. So, it basically could be said that Trump is ONE of Putin's Oligarchs.

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