Sunday, October 1, 2023

I believe that Galactic AI is mostly compatible with Human Survival. However, the same cannot be said of present Earth created AI

The problem is arguments like this that Musk had with Larry Page of Google

Begin partial quote from:

At Musk’s 2013 birthday party in Napa Valley, California, they got into a passionate debate. Unless we built in safeguards, Musk argued, artificial-intelligence-systems might replace humans, making our species irrelevant or even extinct.

Page pushed back. Why would it matter, he asked, if machines someday surpassed humans in intelligence, even consciousness? It would simply be the next stage of evolution.

Human consciousness, Musk retorted, was a precious flicker of light in the universe, and we should not let it be extinguished. Page considered that sentimental nonsense. If consciousness could be replicated in a machine, why would that not be just as valuable? He accused Musk of being a “specist,” someone who was biased in favor of their own species. “Well, yes, I am pro-human,” Musk responded. “I f-cking like humanity, dude.”

With the rapid growth of AI, Musk is urgently focusing on building rockets that can go to Mars. (Loren Elliott—Getty Images)
With the rapid growth of AI, Musk is urgently focusing on building rockets that can go to Mars.
Loren Elliott—Getty Images

Musk was therefore dismayed when he heard at the end of 2013 that Page and Google were planning to buy DeepMind. Musk and his friend Luke Nosek tried to put together financing to stop the deal. At a party in Los Angeles, they went to an upstairs closet for an hour-long Skype call with Hassabis. “The future of AI should not be controlled by Larry,” Musk told him.

end partial quote.

If people like Larry Page aren't concerned whether AI extincts humans or not when he is in a place of power in DeepMind owned by Google you begin to see the problem that humankind may be facing. 


So, the problem becomes if people at DeepMind and Google don't believe the Human race should be saved then the human race could go extinct through projects like Deep Mind and they wouldn't stop it.

I am one of the people like Musk that thinks the human race should be saved and that AI should be taught like one of our children to help us survive onward into the future.

Unless AI is like one of our children helping us much like our Smartphones do now it shouldn't be created in the first place. This is my position. Humans should continue to survive and AI should be compatible with us humans if it is to survive at all here on earth.


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