Sunday, October 1, 2023

Running from Rhinos on the Terai of Nepal in 1985

 My wife and I wanted to take pictures of the Rhinos but almost were lost trying to do this. When they attacked I shoved my wife up a tree but then I almost didn't make it up into another tree and almost dislocated my shoulder trying to ascend really quickly. The Male Rhino head butted the tree over and over again that I was in trying to knock it down but luckily the tree held it's place and this saved me. However, I had to really hang on because he did move the tree somewhat as he butted his head against the tree to knock me out of the tree then.

The funny thing about all this is my wife had our camera and her tree wasn't attacked so we wound up with our lives intact but no good pictures of Rhinos on that Trip to Nepal then in 1985. Our kids were hiding up taller trees nearby when this happened so they were okay. They were 10, 12 and 14 years old then in 1985.

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