Sunday, October 8, 2023

I had an interesting conversation with my oldest biological daughter today

 Because I'm 75 often I cannot really make sense of what is really going on here on earth especially here in the U.S. So, how she put it is that there are Family factions and there are Anti-family factions and that actually what appears to be happening is that the Red States are actually family factions fighting anti-family factions. This was a real insight to me and made more sense than what I had understood before. She also was talking about people sterilizing children  9 to 20 in trying to "Allow"? them to be something other than heterosexual. So, through "Brainwashing" children are being sterilized under the guise of "Choosing what sex they want to be". So, what happens when they want to change their mind what sex that they want to be at 20, 30, 35, 40 or older? 

So, what is actually happening is that the Red States are trying to push back on the sterilization of their children before they are old enough to be able to make good choices. Some people would say "People should go with the way God Made them". However, I think that 18 years old might be old enough to choose what sex (there are 25?) you want to be. However, before that I think it is a mistake to allow children to choose because often people are choosing one thing and then doing something else later on.

And if you sterilize children (at any age) then they no longer have a choice of fathering or mothering any biological children at all.

That was another thing going on here that I hadn't understood before. The Sterilization of America's children is also going on by people who want to take away the capacity of people to have children in the first place. This is something to consider too.

Where will all this end up?

I really have no idea but I know that while we are doing this some country like Russia or China might attack us and blow us all to hell. Because, Divide and Conquer.

As long as the American people are so divided as to what they want to do regarding all this we are vulnerable to attack from within and without. 

So, once again the biggest threat to our democracy is actually ourselves and our present polarization.

You notice The terrorists in Israel now didn't attack until we had no speaker of the House.

Something to think about. So, now you have both the Ukraine Disaster and the Israeli disaster faced by our president and Congress without a functional Congress to do ANYTHING (at least until another Speaker is in place. And even then if you put Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House then nothing at all can happen in regard to Ukraine or possibly even helping Israel survive this latest attack by Terrorists better organized than ever before in History.

Israel could easily fall by this present onslaught of rockets and drones. And I believe before Israel would fall they would also nuke Tehran, Iran out of existence. God help us if Iran now has nuclear weapons which they might at this point too. So, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem could get nuked too the way things presently look. This is why so many people believe Armageddon starts in Israel there in the Middle East.

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