Sunday, October 8, 2023

Fog finally returned to Northern California coast in places after brutal 91 degrees where I live

I woke up after cooking without air conditioning for 3 days because 90% or more of the people where I live on the coast do NOT have Air Conditioning simply because you might need it only 1 to 3 days a year. Where I live the temperatures generally range only between as cold as 40 and as high as 70 to 75. Maybe once a year you might see 80 degrees because when the sun comes out very hot that just pulls the fog and mist off the ocean both low fog or high fog. But, the result is the same. The only difference is that you can see to drive with High Fog and you cannot see to drive with low fog often. Today, there were patches of fog you couldn't see through and even now at 3:30 PM the temperature is ONLY 63 degrees even though it is much hotter inland for example inland one temperature is 77 degrees which is only a 17 mile drive inland from where I live right on the ocean (within one mile of the ocean).

Today my older daughter and I drove to Santa Barbara to see my youngest daughter who is staying there right now.  It was great to get out of the fog and here in Santa Barbara it is presently 73 degrees at around 3:30 Sunday October 8th, 2023. Once we went inland about 10 miles the fog ended and the full sun came out which was nice to see too as it has been incredibly foggy (high and low since May this year except for a few days of sun here and there. However, what is more common is Fog from about 4 pm until noon to 2 pm a lot lately too. So, our weather has really changed a lot both for the better and for the worse the last few years. The best news is that there have been no fires within 20 miles of where we live because of all the fog and mist since may and before that about 15 Atmospheric Rivers changed everything weather wise too where we live. Then Hurricane Hilary really did a number on our state of California too in the form of Tropical Storm Hilary because we haven't really had a tropical storm like that since 1939 hitting the state with this much ferocity.

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