Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Returned to greater SF Bay area Tuesday

The temperatures driving north from Santa Barbara were not over about 80 degrees even in places like Paso Robles which is usually hotter than most places along the way north. It's amazing that there are so few fires this year but that is because of the 15 Atmospheric Rivers and Hurricane Hilary which became Tropical Storm Hillary which is the first Tropical storm in California since 1939.

The trees, especially all the wild oak trees along the way were all still very green which is very unusual for Fall here in the California,  but this is also why there are so few fires this year too. The Winds picked up around San Ardo and were very high like from 25 to 35 miles per hour so we had a head wind coming north on 101 but by Salinas they had died down a lot so were less of a problem. Luckily the car we were in was loaded down with my daughters stuff so this helped the situation but since she was driving I could see her also fighting the headwind especially when we turned any corner on 101 and the wind characteristics changed. All and all a good drive north with no mishaps of any kind along the way. Good Trip! 

The day time weather in Santa Barbara while we were there was mostly a high of 75 to 80 degrees with sun most of the time so this made everything very beautiful while we were there since Sunday. 

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