Thursday, October 12, 2023

It's like I said before:

Israel is evacuating Gaza because they have already cut off all water and power and food going in. If they evacuate Gaza likely the only people remaining will be Hamas. So, anyone left there who doesn't leave likely won't have a very good experience on any level or won't be around anymore. This appears to be what is going on now. I expect Israeli tanks to go in within a week or so to clear away any Hamas fighters remaining especially if they find any hostages of the 150 or so left alive. This appears to be what is going to happen next. However, it is also true that almost anything could happen from either side because of all this. Hamas likely didn't expect this extreme of a reaction or the ending permanently of the two state solution like this. However, this is exactly what Hamas has created. The Palestinian homeland of Gaza is likely gone now forever and will be under the rule directly of Israel and Israeli forces.

It's hard to say on one level who is right and who is wrong because both sides in the past and present have done very bad things. However, the U.S. is not going to let Israel disappear suddenly from the Middle East. However, I also wonder if Israel and Iran are going to eventually use Nuclear weapons on each other. 

This might be my biggest concern for the world if this happened. And this is why the world religions worry about Armageddon now starting last Saturday when Hamas invaded Israel.

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