Thursday, October 12, 2023

Why did I write "The Alien War?"

To try to share what I know about it. Though in wars people die the worst outcome would be human extinction. So, wars like in Ukraine and in Israel likely are a part of the Alien War.

The point being "What can the galaxy do to prevent human extinction from now through the next several hundred years so humans don't self destruct completely and go extinct?"

This is the logic of the Galactic Government right now.

So, likely instead of 8 billion people on earth in 2100 there will be around 1 billion people (more or less).

However, it is also possible that people might start living underground and leaving the surface completely free of cities, highways and all buildings. If that happened it is then possible that around 14 billion people could live on earth where the surface would ONLY be used for growing food, sightseeing and recreation and never for any buildings or highways at all.

This appears to be the choice that mankind is facing now on many different levels.

To keep doing what they have been doing so far creates suicide of the whole human race. Only through changing in specific ways will mankind survive the next few hundred years. 

But, we are all free beings so it is always a choice whether people make decisions to stay alive as a species or not here on earth.

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