Saturday, October 14, 2023

This is one of my theories:

One of my present theories is that the souls of human beings might actually be stars in our Galaxy. However, from what the present Galactic Sentience has told me the souls of human beings are actually a species that predates any galaxies existing at all. So, that our soul species actually created all galaxies to begin with. However, if our souls exist in time and space they might exist as Stars. This would make a lot of sense to me because they are ongoing thermonuclear explosions never ending that convert hydrogen to helium and then to all the other elements. 

So, as humans we are literally Stardust that was refined in stars to begin with before the matter created inside stars became planets (which if you look at the core of them) (the molten core) are sort of like less hot stars with a cooler matter crust on the surface of them.

So, what our bodies are made of once burned inside a sun to create all the elements we see including water and air and lands on the earth.

By God's Grace

Even water one of the most plentiful things on earth is two hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom with hydrogen the lightest element being the building block of all matter in Stars like our sun throughout our galaxy and others.

In other words the basis of a water molecule is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom joined together.

So, Stars refine hydrogen into all the other elements through nuclear fusion. And through this nuclear fusion planets eventually are created out of all the stardust created by Stars over millions and billions of years of processing as they light the sky for us here on earth.

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