Saturday, October 14, 2023

Eisenhower bought Flying Saucers from aliens in the 1950s because they are capable of "Time Travel" to prevent Nuclear Holocaust

 Imagine you were General Eisenhower who was a General during the Normandy invasion of France in World War II and you saw literally millions of people die in that war and often had to order men to their deaths all over Europe then.

Wouldn't you want a way to prevent literally billions of deaths from Nuclear Holocaust? This is why Eisenhower "Bought" flying saucers from aliens to prevent retroactively nuclear holocausts all over the earth. 

If you grew up in the 1950s like I did you would know it would have been impossible for nuclear wars not to occur on earth between then and now. It was just impossible!

So, buying flying saucers to make people feel safe because they weren't all melting like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was what he did. And the world has sort of lived in a Fantasy existence ever since then.

However on one level our existence here on earth and even the continued existence of earth itself is ONLY because Eisenhower bought time traveling flying saucers from aliens in the first place.

Something to think about.

However, now the problem is different because instead of around 2 to 3 billion people on earth we now have 8 billion people. Since anything over 1 billion people isn't sustainable for more than a few hundred years without everyone going extinct we now have a new problem we are dealing with. Overpopulation.

However, living underground and tearing down all houses and cities and anything above the surface would be one solution and everyone living underground and coming up for rest and relaxation and vacations and to farm. Then we might sustain 14 billion people for thousands of years if we did this.

However, I think Global Climate changes are going to eliminate 7 billion people in the total number of people living on earth by 2100 AD. So, this might already be out of the control of humans hands in many ways. So, by 2100 AD we will either be extinct on earth or be plus or minus 1 billion people left alive.

However, as people's houses blow away in the winds more frequently above 100 to 300 miles per hour in various storms, people naturally either will be more mobile like in motor homes and campers more so they can avoid the storms blowing away their homes over time.

So, becoming more mobile and listening to weather reports more might keep people alive too, especially places like Florida and the Caribbean and southern States where they commonly get hurricanes more.

Also, rain clouds can now hold about twice the moisture of water vapor than they used to simply because warm air holds more moisture than cold air worldwide. So, flooding will be about twice as bad as it was in the 1990s because of this now.

It's one reason we had 15 Atmospheric Rivers this year in California. Normally we only get around 2 or 3.

So, worldwide almost anything can happen now any time of the year because of all these changes.

It's also the main thing we are dealing with regarding migrations of 10 times the amount of people coming north from South and Central America.

People simply cannot survive some of the governments and weather of Central and South America anymore.

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