Saturday, October 14, 2023

Time Travel is "Normal"

The problem is "Who is time travel 'normal' for?

And can you imagine just how upset people would get all over the earth if they knew time travel was normal?

Also, people would say "Why didn't you save my son or daughter from this war or accident along the way?"

However, it doesn't work like that at all. You cannot really change that many things just a few little ones without causing many many problems in the time lines for everyone.

So, often little things can be changed like "preventing global thermonuclear holocaust" by eliminating one or more people from a timeline who caused the holocaust. But, details like millions of people dying from war or accidents cannot safely be changed for Earth to keep going on the way it does.

So, as a result of all this governments here on earth have to deny time travel has always existed on earth even though many like myself know that this is true. So, we live in a world where it isn't polite to talk about time travel because of this.

However, if you are reading this you are likely better educated than most people are on earth and might be able to deal with the fact that time travel is a real thing.

And then to make it even more strange religions could not cope with time travel much at all because this upsets their view of reality. If reality is not set then how do they live?

Freedom is responsibility and once you realize you are really free enough to embrace time travel you likely are different at that point than the majority of people presently on earth.

For me, time travel is no longer theoretical but experiential and when time travel becomes experiential for you what will you do then?

You just go on living and pretend it isn't true so you don't upset all your religious friends who might not be able to cope with the actual truths of life which are beyond the scope of most people to actually cope with in a useful way.

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