Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Who will be the next speaker of the House?

 This same faction that drove John Boehner as speaker of the House and other leaders of the Republican Caucus ALSO drove Kevin McCarthy from office as the 2nd in line for the U.S. presidency after Kamala Harris who is the vice president.

So, this faction of only 8 extreme Right Republicans is holding the whole nation hostage and this problem now could get much worse if they don't very quickly pick someone who won't put up with being a hostage to people like Matt Gaetz and the rest.

The two biggest problems I foresee would be if the Ukraine aid isn't quickly approved and the Second major problem is "What if the Budget in 45 or so days isn't approved because of squabbling over who is going to be the next Speaker?

These are real world problems that people like Matt Gaetz don't seem to realize are real and this is a real problem for the whole world beyond the 8 Republicans holding the world (not just the U.S. hostage) at this point (as well as the House of Representatives.

It reminds me of a statement from the revolutionary war of "For the want of a nail the Shoe was lost, for the want of a Shoe the hoof was lost, for the want of a hoof the horse was lost, for the want of a horse the rider was lost and for the want of a rider the nation was lost."

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