Thursday, October 5, 2023

Writing can be healing

 If you asked me why people go to college I might say that the single most important thing is to define problems in life. So, the person who asks the most important questions may or may not answer those questions but by defining useful questions for individuals or groups of people one then embarks (potentially) on a solution for that problem or other problems along the way.

This is how human beings have always survived so well. We ask questions even if others don't want us to ask those questions.

For example, religions have problems with people asking certain questions because they don't have answers. And likewise many scientists don't like people asking certain questions because they don't have answers either.

But, by asking these questions the people asking the questions or the people reading or talking about those questions might survive in the future specifically because they heard the question asked in a way that actually made sense to them.

So, why do people go to college? From my point of view it is to learn to formulate and ask questions that they individually need to try to find an answer to or to ask questions that possibly everyone needs to know the answer to.

So, for me, writing this is healing because I know that if people read this they might just ask the questions that begin to solve their problems so they can stand to be alive for even one more day.

IF you don't ask the right questions you often aren't alive very long here on earth.

So, if you learn to ask and formulate good questions it is much more likely that both you and your children and your grandchildren and so on will survive far into the future but those who don't ask useful questions might not be around very long at all.

This is what I personally have found in life.

By God's Grace

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