Friday, March 1, 2024

It's been Raining since yesterday in SF Bay area and Snowing since yesterday in Sierras

 The storm likely won't be that bad beyond 20 foot waves and small craft warnings likely. However, it's another story in the Sierras where White outs and Blizzard conditions have existed or will exist soon. It's no longer safe to travel from Sacramento to Reno For example, on I-80 or 50 which are the two normal routes of travel over the Sierras this far north. There aren't roads much between Sacramento and Bakersfield over the Sierras because of 12,000 to 14,000 feet peaks between Bakersfield and Sacramento in the Sierras along with mt. Whitney which is the tallest mountain in the lower 48 States.

However, as long as people stay off the ocean in Boats and are careful if they are going to be surfing and be expert at that people likely will be okay if they stay off the roads as much as possible during the next couple of days. I suppose it is possible too that more trees will come down as well if the winds get very high on shore along with the rains. A whole lot of trees have come down along the coast this year blocking roads but most have already been cleared away from the last storms and lie piled up along the sides of roads all over the SF Bay area and along the coast.

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