Thursday, April 11, 2024

I haven't written for some time about my experience with "The Burning Bush" on Mt. Shasta

 My thought is that it is likely the same kind of phenomenon that Moses Experienced on Mt. Horeb in the Bible. I'm thinking this might be like where an intersection of the Ley lines on earth intersect with a Holy Mountain in some way. This is how I look at it in a physics or Science point of view.

I had been at the "I AM" pageant the day before in Mt. Shasta on the Life of Christ put on by the church I was raised in since birth. However, I had left that church in the last year. However, several of my friends from the church all thought we should climb Mt. Shasta to the top on Monday because the pageant had been on Sunday and people were starting to return home to other places in the U.S. and around the world who had come to see the pageant and visit friends in our church from around the world.

So, the four of us who were college students at the time likely from around age 18 to 22 decided to climb the mountain together. However, I didn't realize just how cold Horse camp could be in August of 1970 at night. I hadn't brought a warm enough sleeping bag and so I got up at around 2 am and decided to start walking up the mountain. I woke up temporarily one or more of the other climber friends to tell them I was cold and wanted to start hiking up the mountain before I got any colder so I could warm up. They had brought warmer sleeping bags than I had. I was wearing a Levi blue denim fleece jacket that I loved at the time and likely a wool hat to keep the heat in my body. 

So, I started off alone by 2:30 AM at night to stay warm and maybe I could summit from Horse Camp which is at Tree Line (where trees tend to stop growing because it is around 8000 feet altitude there.)

As I walked up what is called Avalanche gulch about a mile up further on the mountain I saw something glowing in the distance and walked closer to investigate. I felt drawn like a Nail to an electromagnet at this point. I experienced something I had never even considered might exist before. I was telepathing with this "Burning Bush" maybe like Moses also telepathed with his Burning Bush on Mt. Horeb.

I wouldn't have been able to see this burning bush in the daylight simply because it was otherworldly in it's brightness I think.

It said to me in my mind: "I'm not here for you." In other words it was saying to me that it didn't appear especially for me I guess. This makes me think it is a natural phenomenon that exists maybe all the time that people might see it or it exists some times of the year? August is when I saw it above Horse Camp.

I stood there transfixed feeling the electrical current going through my body and feeling like I was in the presence of God. I stayed until it said to me: "If you stay any longer you will be damaged." So, I began to hike up the mountain to the peak. However, my life had been permanently changed by what I can only call "The Holy Spirit" which was incredibly powerful in an electrical way. 

At this point I was crying in gratitude because I felt I had had a visitation from God. I was 22 at the time in 1970 then and my climbing friends were my age or younger and we all were attending college somewhere in California at different universities and colleges. then. So, as the tears coursed down my face from this amazing visitation from God my goal of reaching the summit wasn't as strong as before. However, I walked slower to the summit because of this experience. All my friends passed me in the morning when the sun came out at one point or another. 3 of the four of us including myself actually summited Mt. Shasta at 14,161 feet or whatever they say it is now from satellites bouncing beams off the earth and Mt. Shasta.

I was the last to summit Mt. Shasta and didn't summit until 4 pm. However, I did it and never have regretted climbing mt. Shasta or experiencing "The Burning Bush" on Mt. Shasta either.

By God's Grace

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