Friday, April 12, 2024

I'm Concerned that there will be a major or minor Civil war no matter who becomes president this fall or winter

 And I don't think I'm alone in this concern. I think people might need to make plans to protect their families by leaving the country if they are older than their 30s or in the military by the way. So, preparing for the potential of there being a Civil War beginning in Fall or Winter might be useful if you don't want to die from a crazy thing like that.

I think it would start a lot like it did at Fort Sumter, near Charleston, South Carolina which began the Civil war. However, I'm thinking the most likely place at this point would be the Texas Mexico Border and would be fighting between Federal Border patrol and Texas Border Officials paid for by the State.

However, it could start in all sorts of ways. People just seem so upset lately about almost anything that almost anything could be the spark that sets off waves of violence. 

However, the most likely states to have the first real battles would likely be South Carolina or Texas or Florida or other Southern States. But, it likely would start in a Red State not a Blue state because Red State people are more armed generally speaking than Blue State people.

However, I think it's important to remember that Blue State people have guns of all kinds too. So, if you have a gun at home and someone starts shooting at you you might go get your guns and your bullets and start shooting back at whoever is shooting at  you.

And that would be all it would take to set things off like fireworks different places around the country.

I heard a clip from a church on CNN the other day which really concerned me the protestant Preacher said something like:

 "If you vote democratic for Baby Killers I want you to get up and leave this church right now!"

I think if you are a Democrat of any sort or even most Republicans you might say: 

"Them's Fightin' Words!"


If you are kicking people out of your church for being a Democrat or for being black, or hispanic or Asian or Whatever  then churches legally like this are not allowed to exist (at least as far as the government is concerned) because they lose their non-proft church Status and then can be taxed legally as a different kind of non-profit or they might be forced to be a for profit church and taxed in Extreme ways and would go out of existence within a year or two.

This is what happens when this is enforced. This has been true legally since the 1970s or before on a Federal Level.

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