Thursday, April 18, 2024


 For me as a writer, it is 5% writing something and then 95% editing it. Unless you have someone that you are paying to edit your work or maybe better yet a friend or relative that wants to edit your work for free, this is something to think about when you start writing if you also want to publish (as say a book or pamphlet what you write).

I didn't try really to edit anything much that I wrote outside of typos and context from 1980 to about 1999 or 2000. Why?

Because I never had planned to publish online or in any form what I was writing. My primary reason for writing was to heal myself at a really deep level. I had had enough traumas in my life like most people and one of the many reasons I studied to become a psychologist in the 1970s was to heal myself and anyone else that I could from the traumas of their lives too.

But, even though I actually never became a psychologist because my live in girlfriend got pregnant and we decided to get married, I still learned a great deal about healing myself and others at a very deep and profound level. And on top of this I always had good counseling skills which I learned also from my parents from the time I was 6 to 12 years old simply because my parents were in charge of a church in Los Angeles. And so often people needed counseling in their church and I listened too whenever it was okay with everyone present. I listened to rich and poor and middle class people ask for help in counseling of my minister parents. And so since growing up I was a listener and quiet and listened to the adults around me it made me wiser than many children and younger adults by the time I was 15.

So, as I started to try to heal myself more seriously after I moved to Mt. Shasta in 1980 when I remarried I used some or even all of the techniques I had learned from my parents and from studying to be a psychologist in college on myself.

However, at the time I believed I was writing a form of healing therapeutic Science Fiction. But, by 1998 and 1999 I finally realized that wasn't what I actually was writing. In 1980 when I began to write in more my present style of writing I didn't believe that one could access past, present and future lifetimes of one's soul or other souls that one knew along the way.

However, as I prepared for my death from a heart virus (even before doctors knew what it actually was) I realized later that almost everyone I knew of who had a heart virus in California in the 1990s died but me.

So, out of gratitude to God for saving my life I decided as a Gift back to God that I would publish my writings to help any of mankind who found my writings so they would better understand their pasts and futures as souls here on earth in human bodies.

So, this is how my personal style of writing evolved to where it is today. 

I have a unique perspective partly from being born just after the end of World War II and partly from growing up in California in the 1960s and 1970s. I was 21 in 1969 so it was a very interesting but turbulent time coming of age during all the assassinations and the Viet Nam War which turned most people against our government and took away almost all trust in Government here in the U.S. ever since.

However, I still think the U.S. is the best country to be a part of simply because you might have a future here where in other countries you would be much more likely to starve to death and die of many different diseases because of the lack of a formal education which might save your life in various ways.

But, if you want to go from poor to rich you have much more chance of doing that someplace like Canada than the U.S. now because of their social programs.

But, you still might get rich if you grow up middle class in the U.S. but there is almost no hope now if you start out poor. But, then again there are always exceptions to every rule.

But, writing for me is very healing. And sometimes you heal yourself and sometimes you heal others along the way. It's all good if your motivation is good to begin with.

By God's Grace

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