Thursday, May 9, 2024

Communication between Computers and people is primarily right now done two ways

1. Through Texting like when you type a question to Chat GPT or another Artificial intelligence Source.

2. Through speech of whatever the artificial intelligence can understand which for sure is English if it is made in the U.S.

However, I expect that people will be able to communicate verbally in all languages on earth at some point that are still spoken today in 2024. Also, even if the Artificial intelligence source cannot understand your preferred language the conversation if it is printed could be translated into any language Google Translate can translate the English into.

Often I will use Google Translate to translate French from France to English because often this is the best source of information regarding the Comte De Saint Germain of France who knew Voltaire and the King and Queen of France at the time of the French Revolution. So, often I can get the best information on the historic Comte De Saint Germain in this way. 

However, it likely should also be said that when we do art or write music using Artificial intelligence we are also communicating with AI and it is learning from us just like we are learning from it.

This is why making AI your friend now while it is still free to do this (like when the Internet first started and everything was free then too beyond your dial up connection through your phone). So, while AI is free because companies are still researching how it can be used the most effectively in the present and future it. might be good to get in on the ground floor to develop your own relationships with various AI "Friends".

However, just like people you meet at a bus stop you might want to be careful what you say to them to protect yourself, your identity and where you live from unscrupulous people who might not have the best intentions towards you who might also somehow have access to all your communications with an AI Source of basically unlimited information on almost any given subject.

Though I can speak Parisian French I cannot understand when people speak fast to me in French so this is embarrassing (especially when I am in France too) likely 2009. So, I find that since my vocabulary of what I can speak is likely at a 5 or 10 year old's level that translating things from French using Google Translate gives me a clearer impression of what's being said.

It's just like in English there are expressions in each language which you or I might not be familiar with, especially if we are talking about Old French or Old English. For example, I have been in Scotland where I could not understand even one word in a particular dialect.

And even in Canada north as far as Jasper National park I went into a national park bathroom one time and a gentleman said things to me that made no sense at all because of the unfamiliar expressions he used.

What he was saying I realized when I got into the toilet area and realized there was no toilet paper. However, when I listened to him I could understand the words he used but not the meaning. So, it's like many people say: "Two People separated by a Common Language".

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