Thursday, May 23, 2024

It appears that what AI at present is is mostly "Predicition Generators"? What does that mean?

 It means that right now at least that AI that you are interacting with (if you do) is sort of like a Weather App on a phone trying to predict the weather. You know like sometimes a Weather app is telling you it's raining out and it's not. Because it is predicting and predictions aren't always right.

Like Last night I could have said, "Well. I can see the moon out so likely the fog won't be here tomorrow because the weather patterns have changed at least for now."

And today I'm right. However, I might have said, "Well. it's been foggy most days recently so even though it's clear right now that the fog likely will come in by early morning. It's true I can see the beautiful full moon but I'm thinking the fog will come in by day break."

But, I predicted right that the fog MOSTLY stayed away and I'm now outside on my deck in my yard looking at the roses and pine trees and oak trees and Ceonothus bushes and watching the humminbirds fly up into the air and the birds twitter near by because It's Spring.

So, just like a weather app predicts the weather (sometimes right and sometimes wrong) Artificial intelligence like Chat GPT 3.5 or 4.0 is a prediction generator in actuality and this is the most useful way to look at present AI because this is what you are really dealing with.

So, to expect 100% accuracy from a prediction generator is to be fooled by a magician's trick and not be fully realistic in your assessment of what is actually going on with the AI you are interacting with. IF YOU ARE ACTUALLY DOING THIS.

And Because AI is a prediction generator and not absolute truth especially in AI Art often you will have 6 fingers on Taylor Swift's hand or hands because it is a deepfake photo of her or someone else to begin with. 

However, over time it might not have 6 fingers and have the normal 5 instead so this isn't something that likely will remain this way but will keep changing over time as prediction models become better and better over time.

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