Thursday, May 23, 2024

What it's like being intuitively gifted

 I think it dawned on me that my senses were more "evolved" than most other people. It wasn't that people Couldn't be like me it's just that they hadn't almost died of whooping cough and the angels maybe hadn't come and saved their lives like they had me.

But, the main result was that I was always aware of more things than most people. And by the time I was somewhere between 2 and 5 years old I began to realize this. I wasn't happy about this at the time because it set me apart from other people. Having more developed senses than most people at this age kept me alive but also made me different.

Also, because I was always telepathic I tended to think most people were liars. Only some children were truthful and often they were punished for speaking the truth if it offended the adults present.

So, I tended to see adults as all liars because I always knew what they were thinking. As I became more mature I learned to ONLY respond to what people said to me and NEVER to what they were actually thinking. This I found to be true even of other children because responding to the actual needs of children without being asked by an adult often would result in punishment either directly or indirectly.

So, this tended to make me trust adults less and less if they weren't my grandmother or my father and mother.

This also tended to make me more clannish and taking care of my own people because I usually realized I couldn't trust anyone else really because they had different belief systems than I was raised to believe in for the most part.

This was my experience mostly as a child and likely many of you might be able to relate to my experiences especially if you grew up in the 1950s like I did.

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