Wednesday, May 22, 2024

It doesn't usually rain much between May and October here in California

However, I can remember being around 12 years old one September or October camping with my parents at Telescope Peak over looking Death Valley I believe. I just checked and was surprised that the elevation was over 11,000 feet. Anyway this would have been 1960 because we had our new light blue mercury Station wagon which was a real boat the way station wagons were then. We hiked up to Telescope peak after camping at the top of the dirt road there (I suppose it could be paved now but this was 1960 after all).

So, we summitted Telescope peak and it was already snowing and my father was just so excited to be summitting Telescope peak that he forgot we were up a steep dirt road and camping at altitude. So, by the time we hiked back to my parents station wagon we were in trouble with a station wagon without chains which likely wouldn't have helped much in a foot of snow anyway. So, he hiked several miles to the Ranger Station and the Ranger brought up his jeep with a tow line and lowered us slowly down the road with the tow line (winch) from his front bumper so we wouldn't go off a cliff on the dirt road in the foot of unexpected snow.

The point I'm making here is that it CAN rain or snow any month of the year especially in mountains even if they look down on from altitude Death Valley, California.

By the way today it was 103 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley, California here in May  22nd 2024

 begin quote from:
Telescope Peak Summit Telescope Peak sits 11,049 foot (3,368m) above sea level. Death Valley from the summit of Telescope Peak. To the east at over 11,331feet (3,454m) below sits the lowest point in North America, Badwater Basin at -282 feet (-86m) below sea level.Jun 24, 2018


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